30 Nov 2014

What the audience says: Pascuala Ilabaca & Fauna

Pascuala Ilabaca & Miguel Razzouk at Rich Mix London. Photo by Ingrid Guyon.

an experience of pure happiness and elation!

Pascuala Ilabaca sings with her whole face, and makes music with her whole body

The best gig @GatesheadOTH @sage_gateshead this year with Pascuala Ilabaca & Faun.

Fantastic night in York!! Thank you so much - please come back next year ! :)

Absolutely brilliant gig tonight at Rich Mix, vibrant and full of joy, I loved it.

She really is incredible! A whirlwind of energy and one of the most engaging performers I have ever seen.

Fabulous concert in Cambridge last night! A lot of very happy people. Muchisimas gracias.

Pascuala and Fauna present a complete performance that is in itself a kind of art form. So slick in their synchronicity, and able to change the mood and style within the space of a beat, they are truly exciting to watch and hear.  

Pascuala Ilabaca y Fauna @RichMixLondon - absolutely adorable and brilliant - see them if you get a chance!

I love their energy and enthusiasm, brilliant musicians, and she has the star quality to take them further, great tracks, like the punky tracks as well, - chile punk  now that's a new new on me !

...  listening to her records did not prepare me in the slightest for the energy, talent and seduction that poured from the musicians when on stage.

A star in the making : I absolutely loved Pascuala Ilabaca at @RichMixLondon. Don't miss her @makingtracks_uk tour! 

Pascuala Ilabaca y Fauna created an experience of pure happiness and elation, and I very much urge all music-lovers to seek out future performances to encounter Pascuala’s remarkable music.

Pascuala Ilabaca: Amazing 1st half at @RichMixLondon, can't wait for part 2!! 

Just been to see Pascuala @RichMixLondon - amazing, jaw dropping Kate Bush like.

Escuchar a Pascuala Ilabaca en el @RichMixLondon no tiene precio! 

What a great concert!!!!

you gave an amazing performance ... thank you again  

from The Apex box office:
I just thought I’d let everyone know that Mr Chatterway who attended Pascuala Ilabaca came in today & told me how much he enjoyed it. Great to hear compliments like this.

Pascuala Ilabaca fantastic tonight @RichMixLondon. Amazing.


Gracias por la visita! fue fantástico, tienen que volver pronto...

Loved the gig last night in Gateshead-refreshing and lively, you brought some Southern Hemisphere sunshine and energy to a North East November evening. And as for the band-guys, I'm in lurv!!! Thank You!

Thank you Pascuala Ilabaca who tonight at @yorkearlymusic encompassed Indian Ragas, Chilean Carnivals, fairies, elves and trees into one set. 

Mil gracias por el concierto ayer a Rich Mix. Lo disfrutamos MUCHISIMOOOOOO! que les vaya muy bien aca en Inglaterra.

Bailamos, reímos, lloramos en York que lindo fue.

Thank you for this amazing concert, I want to see it again! 

Lo pasamos super bien, gracias por la musica y la vibra!!  

Pascuala veros en Bristol fue una experiencia espectacular! Eres una artista extraordinaria y una chica muy simpática! Os deseo lo mejor en futuras giras y eventos!

What an amazing performer.

A fabulous sold out gig... well done! 

Come back to Brighton soon.

Delicioso concerto em Cambridge! Obrigado!

Estuvimos en la última presentación (Birmingham) y fue un verdadero privilegio... viaje por la geografía musical latinoamericana y del mundo... rock y world beat que llena los sentidos... gracias a todo el lote... geniales artistas y adorables personas... 

You are amazing Pascuala - come back to England soon. 

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